2017 Montana Joint Engineers Conference

November 3, 2017 @ 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Red Lion Colonial Hotel
2301 Colonial Drive
MT 59601
Connie Dempster
Dr. Gennaro G. Marino, P.E., D.GE will be presenting “Mine Subsidence Engineering: An Overview” at the 2017 Montana Joint Engineers Conference on November 3, 2017. His presentation will be from 1:15 – 2:45pm. This presentation covers key aspects of mine subsidence engineering, a subject that is not well understood, and embraces a number of engineering disciplines. It focuses on the cause of mine subsidence, how mine stability relates to the resulting ground movements, and how different mining and geologic conditions determine the mode of failure of the mine. The mode of mine failure in turn affects the resulting subsidence movement. Prediction of subsidence and damage potential are also key aspects of subsidence engineering. Examples of expected subsidence damage as well as mine stabilization will be shown. This presentation will be presented in a manner that will be understandable to anyone that would be interested in learning more about mine subsidence. This presentation is sponsored by the Montana Society of Engineers.

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