• Research And Technical Training

Research & Technical Training

The staff of MEA have always had a keen interest in technical training and have developed detailed training courses for interested parties on engineering principles and evaluation methods. Most notably, a course was designed to assist insurance adjusters on inspection and evaluation of earthquake damage claims, as well as another on repair of earthquake damage. MEA also has provided extensive presentations and workshops on subsidence engineering and earthquake engineering. One of the more distinguished available services is a training course on Logging Rock Core of Sedimentary Rocks for engineering projects.

Given our extensive experience in this area, MEA has the capability of providing our clients with training services related to certain areas of geotechnical and forensic engineering.

The staff of MEA have significant experience in research and development. Some of this work has been in-house work to obtain a competitive advantage, and sponsored projects. These projects have included advanced foundation repair methodologies, a clastic rock classification system, a rock durability index, design of a borehole radar system, development of a TDR system to detect subsidence, and development of a subsidence prediction database. With this background and training, MEA provides efficient and professional capabilities in R&D to meet our clients’ project objectives and to take advantage of technical advances.

Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Mine & Karst Subsidence
Mine & Karst Subsidence
Forensic Engineering
Forensic Engineering
Mine & Quarry
Mine & Quarry
Field Services & Monitoring
Field Services & Monitoring
Pavement Testing
Pavement Testing
Testing Services
Testing Services
Research & Technical Training
Research & Technical Training
Earthquake Damage Inspection
Earthquake Damage Inspection
Pipeline Services
Pipeline Services
Petroleum Engineering Services
Petroleum Engineering Services
Technical Presentations
Technical Presentations