Georgia Geo-Institute April Meeting
April 16, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Georgia Power Company Headquarters
241 Ralph McGill Boulevard
GA 30308
241 Ralph McGill Boulevard
GA 30308
This presentation will provide an overview of what constitutes a geoforensics investigation of a geo-construction problem. In addition to providing basic to detailed definitions of geoforensics, the presentation will summarize all the key components of a forensic investigation, and the varied causation components to the failure or problem. Each component will be discussed in detail with salient examples of actual case histories the presenter has investigated. MEA has been involved in cases which involved claims of up to about $1 billion dollars. Also discussed will be how a contractor should proceed once a potential geo-construction problem is identified, including do’s and dont’s of how to approach geoforensics investigations. The presentation will conclude with a summary of key points when encountering geo-construction difficulties.
The event costs $25 to attend for non-members. Please register on ASCE-GI Georgia’s website here. This event is sponsored by the Georgia Geo-Institute Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.