Register for free to learn how to address the following concerns:

What are the commonalities between various geohazards?

How do the imposed movements on pipelines vary with different geohazards?

How can induced pipe stresses be mitigated?

What are the predominant modes for geohazard-induced pipe deformation?

What protocols should be in place to minimize the risks of geohazards?

Delve into comprehensive analyses, explore cutting-edge monitoring solutions, and discuss practical mitigation alternatives to address the challenges posed by ground movement hazards to pipeline integrity. This webinar is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in safeguarding pipeline infrastructure against various geohazards.

Attendees will be eligible to receive 1 Free PDH credit upon completion of the event.


Dr. Siavash Zamiran, Senior Project Engineer at MEA, is a geotechnical and geomechanics engineer with over 15 years of industry and academic experience. His areas of expertise include numerical modeling, geotechnical earthquake engineering, mine subsidence analysis, geohazard analysis of pipelines, and wellbore stability.