What to Look for in a Mine Subsidence Expert
The most appropriate mine subsidence expert for your case depends on the nature of the problem to be investigated. Mine subsidence investigations can require various expertise depending upon the focus of the problem. Some of the questions that may need answers are:• Is the damage from mine subsidence?
• Will the underground mine result in subsidence in the future?
• If subsidence were to occur, what is the range of movement you would expect?
• If subsidence does occur, how severe could the resulting damage be?
• Was the mine designed properly so that mine subsidence would not result in the future?
• How can we mitigate the subsidence risk to a tolerable level?
• Can you stabilize the mine and how much would that cost?
As you can see from the above, the subject of mine subsidence can actually involve a number of expertise depending upon focus of the investigation. Also, there is the context of the expert mine subsidence investigation: Is it being done for existing or new construction, mine design, review of a mining permit application, or is it for tort litigation? Therefore, in addition to having the technical know-how, and expert with oratorical skills may also be necessary.
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Tags: mine subsidence, mine subsidence expert, subsidence engineering, subsidence expert
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